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Pythios Nerf


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Pythios is a very bad beast, don't get me wrong. This dragon is one bad ass mother****er. I want to be able to kill him though...


I have a VIP7 with TG... Which is $290 character, and I can't kill him. Even as a paladin, who can heal after the two million damage hits.


My main point is that the boss is a VIP world boss with unbalanced loot, and too powerful of skills. This boss is impossible to beat without several VIP7's or a VIP7 with two SOATT's.

That kind of necessity isn't necessary and shouldn't be so. Please find a way to lower Pythios's power or increase the VIP7's defenses. There needs to be some kind of balance as well.

With Pythios being the main world boss for VIP's, and with more than three people wanting to join in on the loot rolls, Pythios drops crap. To drop gold for any main boss is like a kick in the dick. No one likes a dick kick. Please don't kick the dicks. Drop something for us! :)


Your's truly,

Sh, aka Pp

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Well, the difficulty is intentional. 


    Currently a VIP7 + a VIP6 can kill him as long as the VIP7 is being spam healed. I will agree that his crits are a bit extreme (I've seen some around 5M). Also, if a VIP7 has just one soatt it's also possible to solo. If we make this too easy then it's just another long grind without ANY challenge. Hoarders isn't supposed to be an easy grind to get.^_^

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They have no real sources of healing. When I said a VIP7+ 1 soatt could, I was referring to Paladins and Shamans.

So in case that means you gotta be a specific class to solo a general VIP boss? Please where does this make sense. It should be soloable for any class with a soatt or soatl.

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Pythios was made because VIPs wanted difficult content/bosses. So Pythios was made to be difficult for even for high geared VIPs. The idea is to make it so you need a friend or two at least to beat him. Se Pythios was made because people wanted difficult, and now people bitch because they can't solo. Ridiculous, he's not getting nerfed.

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Regardless of the intention. Pythios requires too much money to be spent to be able to attempt defeating him. The payout is not equal to the challenge. That is what the main point is, to call any of this "bitch" 'ing is inappropriate. This is in suggestions and feedback for a reason. I opened this suggestion because I noticed a problem.


The problem, again, is the payout of Pythios's death is not equal to the requirements to kill him. If you keep the payout to 0-8 items with a slight chance of dropping that are only better than Impeccable gear (Barely). That would mean that the payout is for items even more less in value to the players that are attempting to kill it. Simply said, Pythios drops items that are useful as only non-VIP gear sets, and are gained by several VIP7's or a VIP7 with 2 SOATT's. Spending at least $580 to kill a monster for some cloth gear that is just better than Impeccable is outrageously unnecessary.


I apologize for having an opinion on the matter, but I will not be suppressed for "bitch" 'ing.

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It's true, 

This has been a major problem in Ice. Classes like Paladins get a huge advantage for PVE, and PVP because of the heal. You guys shouldn't just decide it should stay like that because 1 class can solo it. We don't want everyone to go pally.



I apologize for having an opinion on the matter, but I will not be suppressed for "bitch" 'ing.


Oh damn.

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Though you are right, I shouldn't call suggestions "bitching", its hard not to when you look at the big picture. Yes, VIP 7 is an expensive gear set to make a person's character OP. But like I said, Pythios was created because off the demand for content that was also difficult for high geared VIPs. People were getting bored. This is also the case for the VIP dungeon. One major reason that I know Pythios shouldn't be nerfed is because it is killed almost immediately after spawning each time. There seems to be no shortage of people willing and able to kill this dragon.


Though it may be somewhat unfair that paladins have an easier time with PvE, this is also the case in retail to some degree. The advantage of paladins and shamans seems to be amplified by the nature of the server (max haste), but that cannot be easily remedied. I think it will take a major content change to balance the classes better.

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