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tax on the shop removed

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I say that the tax on the character shop should be removed because the server isnt losing any money because its all virtual and not only would it not hurt the server it help other players to have more credit to spend. so people dont have to jack there prices out the yah hoo just to get the price that they want thank you ^_^ <-- overdose

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The credit was added because players were using the character shop to transfer characters for free. The 20% tax however could be reduced to 10% maybe. Overall the idea was in place because money was not being lost in transferring characters.


In conclusion, the tax being removed is improbable, but the tax being reduced would be beneficial to players.

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I was told it's a law due to Ryan being from Ireland, still don't really believe it but oh well. Also, the sales tax is the reason people will find somebody to buy the character first, sell it for $5 over the shop, then recieve a voucher for the rest of the money. Never heard of anybody getting scammed by it but I guess it's happened since they disabled vouchers for a time.

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I was told it's a law due to Ryan being from Ireland, still don't really believe it but oh well. Also, the sales tax is the reason people will find somebody to buy the character first, sell it for $5 over the shop, then recieve a voucher for the rest of the money. Never heard of anybody getting scammed by it but I guess it's happened since they disabled vouchers for a time.


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In any possible scenario where one person is required to trust another player with money, someone will get scammed eventually. It seems the anonymity of the online environment coupled with a general moral and ethical decay of our society, scams are inevitable at some point.


This is truly the case. I can say that there is a greater motivation for players to use the Character Shop if the tax was lowered. This would reduce the chances of getting scammed too.

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