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Stepping Down as GM


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Hey guys, 


For those of you that don't know I'm Jack. I have been a GM on Ice-Reaper since Feb. 9 2014. As of lately, I have been extremely inactive due to live streaming as well as IRL issues.


Due to being so inactive, I am stepping down from my position as GM on the server. It was an amazing experience being able to help and interact with so many different people in game. It was definitely an eye opener that I will never forget. I will still continue to come online every once in a while so be sure to drop in a say "Hi" if you see me around. :)


Maybe in the future I can become a little more stable and be able to make an epic comeback to the server, who knows. :P


Thank you everyone for all the support, and just being great friends. I love you all.


Ex-IceCold GM Jacked


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