PvpCuzYolo Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 Hello , iam here to say that we need more GM's on Reaper ! Sure there are enough GM's but they only play like 3Minute's not quite enough of time you need need for a Question :P heloot and Mandygwe 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heloot Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 I agree if GM's are there they need to spend more time on the server then the test realm. More Gm's or more hours would be nice. js Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
counterwow21 Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 We're on, you just don't see us. :) heloot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a81986562923 Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 If you didn't know, GM's can appear invisible so you can't see them. heloot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heloot Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 Yes I do know that. But that does not mean that there are "there" when I say "there" I mean it by solving problems that happen constantly on world chats, arena etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
counterwow21 Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 Most arena issues are solved by going somewhere else. And chat issues are usually dealt with once they cross the line. heloot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heloot Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 I am almost on 24/7 and I've seen a lot of people crossing the line. For instance yesterday around 3:00 pm (Usa Mountain time) there was a player who was asking for help in LH and A character (not going to state names) answered in the most crewl way ever. Shortly after that people started ganging on this character calling him a noob for example etc. I think this is crossing the line. It is a horrible way to welcome new players into this lovely server. If any of you were there when this happned, please don't tell me it was not crossing the "line". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spacepanther Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 The GM's on Reaper are hardly on, this is true. They also usually give people warnings too easily unfortunately. The general need of more GM's or staff needs to be met on Reaper, because there are several holes in the time where staff aren't on. These times are where multiple players do what they want and misuse the rules, and players have to go through the process of reporting these offending players in the forums with screenshots. Being powerless GM's is not our job, give someone mute, kick, and lock abilities to suppress offending players. To be honest, there should be no gaps at all, there should be overlaps, and GM's work for free. My suggestion for the server would be to hire people to monitor the server all the time, whenever someone resets a boss to gain the loot, or someone is sniping in the arena. Even when people are displaying disrespect towards one-another in world chat, the gaps in staff time prove to be discouraging and seems abandoned. I know what the server used to be like, and it seems to not have improved since I had played religiously a few months ago. The few times I have logged on, there have been no staff members on at all. I hope that this opens eyes to the decline of players on Reaper realm and the need of more, free working GM's to keep the peace so players have fun. heloot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heloot Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 Yes, I fully agree. I +1 this post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
counterwow21 Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 I'm usually on alone (in terms of staff). But due to events, I've been temporarily suspended. Also, in a GMs presence most players act more polite and follow the rules. If you guys actively help us by posting in the report a player forums (with sufficient proof and following format) we are better able to keep the server clean. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xcision Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 Well as ive seen on todays date of Staff List Reaper only has 4 GM's so couple of more GM's to fill in the gaps wouldnt hurt heloot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadpool Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 Just wait till they start hiring again maybe. But yes, I hardly get to speak to a GM when theres an issue with something. I usually don't need a ticket nor a forum post. I work on my own as is. If it's a bug I'll try to find a way around it and send it to someone who can send it into the higher staff ranking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glitch Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 GM's are on more likely then you think, As someone said they are invisible most of the time. Also, GM's might go afk for certain periods of time or even tab out to watch a video checking in on the ticket list to see how everything is doing. GM's are not always going to be watching everything like a hawk. No one is that dedicated to stare at a screen for hours doing nothing but looking to help and ban. That's why you're supposed to make tickets so that the staff may periodically check in on who needs help. You may say that you would stare at the screen for hours and be super dedicated and help every single person who asks for help even if they don't make a ticket. But truly you're just a ****ing liar, Maybe you would do this for your first week as GM, But after that you're going to get bored as **** of staring at the screen. It's very helpful to make tickets, Then are you guaranteed help from a GM sooner or later.Quit bitching and make a ticket. Maddox 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ciza Posted April 22, 2014 Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 I mean there could be more GMs but I believe what we have is ok. I support both sides. Anyways, as someone said you can always make a ticket if someone is abusing or disrespecting and etc. Then there is also the time when people do whatever they want as I have seen this occur and I don't believe all GMs want to just stand there hunting down these people who are breaking the rules hence tickets. Also you have to understand that a GM has been suspended but will be back soon, also if anything really crosses the line in a world chat the icecold system will mute. Anything that involves crossing the line will always involve someone going mad and cussing so ;). My view on this is what we have is ok. If you want more GMs then you will have to wait for the staff to decide if they need any more help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maddox Posted April 23, 2014 Report Share Posted April 23, 2014 Before I get started, everyone is entitled to their own opinion which is to be respected. Everyone is free to share or suggest whatever they like. I do however feel that when one starts accusing the accused should be able to try and justify. So please don't see this as some sort of counterattack. This is just me trying to explain why some of it is as it is. No offense intended. I am almost on 24/7 and I've seen a lot of people crossing the line. For instance yesterday around 3:00 pm (Usa Mountain time) there was a player who was asking for help in LH and A character (not going to state names) answered in the most crewl way ever. Shortly after that people started ganging on this character calling him a noob for example etc. I think this is crossing the line. It is a horrible way to welcome new players into this lovely server. If any of you were there when this happned, please don't tell me it was not crossing the "line". What you might consider crossing the line doesn't mean it's breaking the rules. I often think someone's crossing a line of some kind. I have a chat with the player, try to make them stop. But basically, I stand powerless. If one isn't breaking any rules, and trust me there's a lot of players that know just how to "cross the line" without breaking a single rule, a GM simply cannot do a thing. This would be called abuse and would result in the GM getting in trouble, possibly getting fired. It doesn't mean I disagree with you, not at all. I would like to rain down mayhem upon those who ruin Icecold for newcomers as well as for the oldies, but sometimes this is pretty much impossible. The GM's on Reaper are hardly on, this is true. The few times I have logged on, there have been no staff members on at all. You are hardly on. You state this yourself. How are you able to make a decent judgement about the availability of the Reaper GMs? They also usually give people warnings too easily unfortunately. Please define. This thread seems to be made because of GMs not doing stuff, not being online or not taking care of issues. Sounds like we don't warn easily enough. How does this imply? Being powerless GM's is not our job, give someone mute, kick, and lock abilities to suppress offending players. You don't have to report. This section was merely made to bring justice to those who choose to ignore the rules when no one is there to enforce. Every private server has to deal with this in some way, most of them do it by creating a report section. I actually think it would be hard to find an active server with an empty report section. It's not your job, correct. But it does help out the staff greatly plus it helps to clear scum from the server. Why make it a problem? To be honest, there should be no gaps at all, there should be overlaps, and GM's work for free. My suggestion for the server would be to hire people to monitor the server all the time, whenever someone resets a boss to gain the loot, or someone is sniping in the arena. Even when people are displaying disrespect towards one-another in world chat, the gaps in staff time prove to be discouraging and seems abandoned. I really agree on this one. There should be. And in a perfect world, there would be. The problem here is not everyone can be trusted with the access that comes with a GameMaster account. There's barely any server that doesn't come with "Gaps" concerning the staff. I know for a fact that even the big ones struggle to have a decent team out there. Sure, you can hire the first nut job that offers his services. But you'd have to ask yourself, would hiring him really be beneficial for the server? ciza 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spacepanther Posted April 26, 2014 Report Share Posted April 26, 2014 Before I get started, everyone is entitled to their own opinion which is to be respected. Everyone is free to share or suggest whatever they like. I do however feel that when one starts accusing the accused should be able to try and justify. So please don't see this as some sort of counterattack. This is just me trying to explain why some of it is as it is. No offense intended. What you might consider crossing the line doesn't mean it's breaking the rules. I often think someone's crossing a line of some kind. I have a chat with the player, try to make them stop. But basically, I stand powerless. If one isn't breaking any rules, and trust me there's a lot of players that know just how to "cross the line" without breaking a single rule, a GM simply cannot do a thing. This would be called abuse and would result in the GM getting in trouble, possibly getting fired. It doesn't mean I disagree with you, not at all. I would like to rain down mayhem upon those who ruin Icecold for newcomers as well as for the oldies, but sometimes this is pretty much impossible. You are hardly on. You state this yourself. How are you able to make a decent judgement about the availability of the Reaper GMs? Please define. This thread seems to be made because of GMs not doing stuff, not being online or not taking care of issues. Sounds like we don't warn easily enough. How does this imply? You don't have to report. This section was merely made to bring justice to those who choose to ignore the rules when no one is there to enforce. Every private server has to deal with this in some way, most of them do it by creating a report section. I actually think it would be hard to find an active server with an empty report section. It's not your job, correct. But it does help out the staff greatly plus it helps to clear scum from the server. Why make it a problem? I really agree on this one. There should be. And in a perfect world, there would be. The problem here is not everyone can be trusted with the access that comes with a GameMaster account. There's barely any server that doesn't come with "Gaps" concerning the staff. I know for a fact that even the big ones struggle to have a decent team out there. Sure, you can hire the first nut job that offers his services. But you'd have to ask yourself, would hiring him really be beneficial for the server? In order: Not replying to your quote to Stoned. I understand that some things are not possible, but there needs to be a clarification of old rules. Things like sniping in the arena, disrespecting another player in world chat, and attempting to take over the loot of a boss is pretty common and goes unstopped in the time gaps between GM's. This can be a partial solution to problems that are occurring. As far as crossing the line, I completely get that part, players know when they are doing something wrong, and use poor judgment at these times. Rules can be clarified to reduce the general "Line Crossing" to a minimum. Even hiring two or three GM assistants or something could prove beneficial to the server, giving these GM Assistants Mute and Kick powers will save some trouble for the people on the server. I am hardly on, correct. I stopped playing Reaper a little while ago, but I remain knowledgeable on how it was about a month before I changed to Eternian, which also isn't perfect. They have more staff than Reaper, and they seem to be doing much better in population. At times there are two people on which is pretty normal, but the high times are almost three times that of Reaper's population spike. I have been around for a while, and these problems are simply continuations on previous issues that weren't taken care of. I understand the idea of me not being on lately gives me less credit for my information. My lack of being on is a result to the lack of activity on the server which is due to the lack of staffing on the server. Honestly I love the GM's that are currently in place, I trust all of them. One thing needs to be said, more staff results in more people coming to the server. No one will want to join a server that has to go to the forums to report anyone doing something wrong, because that cuts into their play time and experience as a "customer". Watching GM's that are already on and having to tell some of them what is going on is not my job. My job is to play and have fun on a server. If I were hired I would gladly do most of this in the same manner you do, Flash. I have seen how you do things, and you do a great job at being a GM. The point I am trying to place is that from seeing the other two GM's, Adam and Jack, in action, I've noticed that they seem much too lenient on players, simply telling them to stop. In the said instance the player went ahead and got away with saying something rude in world chat to someone, and it didn't get noticed the first time. To many of us players, the first time we see something was his(her) warning, and giving a warning for repeating an offense is simply unjust. I have seen it a few times and am simply recollecting on a memory of about a month or two ago. This information can easily be determine invalid, so I won't stand strong to this position. I don't see the "Report a Player/GM" section as a problem, I do however see the lack of immediate justice as a problem. There is a point when it is too much, and I see that point. As I stated above, players are not responsible for reporting other players if a GM is online, which there should be at least one on the server with allowance of an hour or two gap. I understand there is a workload that must be managed, but that can be solved by hiring at least two more GM's. I would never want to remove the ability to report a player, I have used it a few times because I understand that everything cannot be caught and everything cannot be properly justified. I don't expect a perfect server, I expect a perfect enough server, just as most other players out there. I completely understand the concept of hiring. I was a foreman for my brother's company. He did most of the hiring and assigning of teams for each job, and I made sure each job was done for each team. I had a great deal of guys that cleaned up nice, but ended up smoking weed on the job, at the client's home even. Several of them would leave cigarette butts on the ground all around the house, we even were fired from a large contract because one of the guys smoked meth at the site, and spray painted a huge smiley face on the entrance to the building... I have seen many nut jobs in my five years of working construction. Not everyone is perfect, but keeping an eye out on the stones that shine will get you the pretty penny. Flash, I respect you, and I love helping this server. I have seen a lot of progress, and I know how it must be behind the lives of Ryan and Jordan. Managing anything is tough, but when mouths open and suggest more staff, usually the mouths need the right ear to speak to. Hopefully Ryan or Jordan sees this and rocks open those applications again. I personally am working full time. I also have a two-year-old, fiance, and go to school full time. Time management is taking its toll, I am twenty-one years old and just grew my first gray hair. The staff that are currently in place are doing the best they can with what they have, and I appreciate it as a player, or client, but some more staff would solve some issues. I am pretty loyal, and I plan to stick around. Plan to hear more from me. ;) heloot 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff fireguywtc Posted April 26, 2014 Staff Report Share Posted April 26, 2014 It all boils down to good help being hard to find. As many of you recognize, finding a good and responsible person to take on the roll of GM is often hard to do. Also the greater pool of GM's and applicants are from the states or Canada. So there is less people on at night because of that. Of the 5 current GMs 3 of us have Jobs, the other two are in school and all of us have lives as well that we also have to manage with time. In the grand scheme of things, problems in-game are often trivial and not important enough to neglect our families and other responsibilities in life all the time. I would venture to guess that 99% of the problems that are reported to GMs could be resolved by themselves because the involve some sort of in-game conflict with another player. This includes trolling, account sharing, and of course disrespect amongst many others. But it seems most can't handle this and want a GM's help. That's ok, that's what we are here for most of the time. If people could follow the rules, the problems would be a lot less.. Perhaps when more content and more stuff to do for players is added, it will give them something better to do then harass each other. heloot and ciza 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ciza Posted April 26, 2014 Report Share Posted April 26, 2014 Yeah that is very difficult for the staff to try and mix in work with wow. Also the timezone between the staff and some players makes it even more difficult. Overall the staff do their best to be online, in fact there is a staff online right now ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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