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State of Eternian


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  • IceCold Admins

Dear IceCold community, 

We have been pretty quiet on what will be happening to the realm when it comes to new content. I just wanted to assure any concerned players that development is still ongoing. I will admit it is fairly slow due to real world events having an impact on manpower, I am still putting in time whenever possible. Sorry we've been so quiet...

So, what's happening to Eernian? When will new content come out?

Our main focus right now is getting the dungeon work we promised would come after the gear changes finished, this is almost done. All that's left is to finish up Bastion of Twilight balance and move on to Grim Batol, as well as testing for any bugged upgrades. The goal of the dungeon revamp is to rework all of the main IW/Glacial dungeons to be more solo friendly, in order to achieve this we are significantly reducing the health and damage values for each dungeon, and changing when players obtain the base Glacial set. 

Glacial gear will now be obtained in Stratholme. This will allow new characters to get started faster and solve the main issue in Bastion of Twilight by spreading out the upgrades. Players with Ice Warden VI-X gear will be able to replace their old gear with Glacial via item upgrade. I can't say exactly when the dungeon rework will go live as I said things are slow, I'll make sure to let everyone know when we get closer to a release. 

We have two new special dungeons planned, Vortex Pinnacle and Gruul's Lair (VIP)

Vortex Pinnacle will be Diablo themed much like our custom Ragefire Chasm dungeon, only this time it will be based on a demonic invasion of the high heavens. It will contain upgrades for DoH items, and a Tabard upgrade. This will likely come out some time after the dungeon rework.

Gruul's Lair is still in planning, we're not 100% sure about the details yet, just that it will have some form of special VIP only gear. 

Some smaller things are also in the works. new mall, world boss changes, and maybe a rework to our Renown system which will be discussed at a later date.

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  • IceCold Admins
12 hours ago, VinsentoNZ said:

Good to see new content since I last played, and glad you guys are still creating new things.
That Vortex Pinnacle addition to my original DoH dungeon is such a good idea!

Glad to see you're still around. We really couldn't have picked a better dungeon for it.

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