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WTS VIP 7 with Customs $300 (Eternian)


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Want to sell my account with VIP 7 and custom bag.


Name: Ted


VIP 7 = $280


6000 Haste Tabard = $50


Full Talents = $50


Titans Grip = $50


Customize All Gear = $30


Custom Bag with: = $335.70

124,780 Str = $207.96

50246 Stam = $83.74

5280 Haste = $44


Making Weapons 1h to 2h x2 = $20


Both Weapons 4.00 = $40


Original Price = $855.70

Asking Price = $300

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Eternian Character shop is closed.


Selling accounts is forbidden.




There are plans to open up the character shop. Sadly I can't give you an estimate on how long this would take. Please wait for it to be opened.


As for selling accounts:

2. Advertising of servers, accounts, or any paid services for real money is forbidden. Your account/IP will be banned if caught.


If anything happens to the account or the money you got for it no support will be given. Scamming happens a lot which is why we do not support the selling or trading of characters outside the character shop.

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