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Big Suggestions


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So a lot of us have been playing here for a while and have not seen much change and a lot of us have the same suggestions on how to improve and give players something to do. A lot of us come on every day and do the same thing day in and day out and its getting really boring for a lot of us, we need more content to keep new players and old players on there feet in game with stuff to do. 


here is a few suggestions that some of us put together and think could improve the server.


- make the vip dungeon bigger, more bosses lower the spawn time on the mobs, add more drops better items & increase the drop rate a little.

  ( i think this is a big importance as it will encourage more people to donate ).  


- make a dungeon that vip 7's and other high vips can group up to do that is not solo-able

  ( vip 7s or players with soatt's can solo mostly  everything and get bored that things are to easy ) 


- make more team dungeons, that you need raids or a full 5 man group to do.

  ( add more team based PvE content ).


- more PvE item drops.

 ( the lack of items for each stat based class, Spell casters, Melee is unreal and more items need to be added to give players a more all around choice  ) 


- more quests with better rewards. 

 ( quests are always a big hit on wow private servers, as it makes players spend more time on items they want ) 


- PvP Tier sets, or a quests to improve the PvP pieces if u have an X amount of Honor points. 

  ( i think it would bring PvP back to ice-cold, to much people just sit about doing nothing after they obtain full PvP and i think it would be a good idea ) 


- make pythious's drops more all around class stats * Melee & Spell caster * 

  ( there is more melee items and not enough spell casters items ) 


- increase the stats agility, intel, and add spell power & attack power to hoarders armour

  ( i think atm its more based on paladin or warrior, i think it should be increased to more of a all class friendly set ) 


- Increase the amount of armour & stats on the event reward gear * hardest gear in the game to obtain*  

  ( i think the gear should have better PvP based stats on it, as it is the hardest and rarest set to obtain in game)


- More Gm & Player hosted events that randomised * not the same typical 1v1 or 2v2 *

  ( more people enjoy PvE just as much as PvP, i think the lack of people that turn up to events these days is unreal, i think they should add it more starter friendly and introduce more PvE & PvE Based events like gm boss events, king of the hill event, gm war event, more  fun events that starter players can join in on to and not feel out geared ) 


- Make all classes and there spells more stable as a lot of classes are more powerful then others

  ( paladins judgment is over powered, can hit over 400k in none vip what is over half health to another well geared none vip, shamans are also really over powered, i think they should spend more time in correcting and making different classes more stable).


- 2v2, 3v3 arena teams with some type of reward system. 

 ( 2v2 and 3v3 arena teams is always on the suggestion by a lot of players that have played or came from retail in the past, i think that it  would be amazing if this feature was added into ice-cold with some type of reward system for conquest points, when u enter the arena  u will only be allowed to use none vip gear to make it more fare and so high vip's do not farm off lower levels ). 


i think all these suggestions would go down with the rest of the community and make a big difference to the ice-cold wow servers and its community itself, a lot of players are getting bored of doing the same stuff day in day out and adding more stuff will give people more choices in what they want to do around the PvP or PvE Based system. 


thanks for reading, i hope people leave there suggestions & feedback 

i also hope this post gets taken into consideration.



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I agree with  Making it all happen  but alot of work and time tho  i liked Only non vip in arena and just not Event one






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So a lot of us have been playing here for a while and have not seen much change and a lot of us have the same suggestions on how to improve and give players something to do. A lot of us come on every day and do the same thing day in and day out and its getting really boring for a lot of us, we need more content to keep new players and old players on there feet in game with stuff to do. 


here is a few suggestions that some of us put together and think could improve the server.


- make the vip dungeon bigger, more bosses lower the spawn time on the mobs, add more drops better items & increase the drop rate a little.

  ( i think this is a big importance as it will encourage more people to donate ).  


- make a dungeon that vip 7's and other high vips can group up to do that is not solo-able

  ( vip 7s or players with soatt's can solo mostly  everything and get bored that things are to easy ) 


- make more team dungeons, that you need raids or a full 5 man group to do.

  ( add more team based PvE content ).


- more PvE item drops.

 ( the lack of items for each stat based class, Spell casters, Melee is unreal and more items need to be added to give players a more all around choice  ) 


- more quests with better rewards. 

 ( quests are always a big hit on wow private servers, as it makes players spend more time on items they want ) 


- PvP Tier sets, or a quests to improve the PvP pieces if u have an X amount of Honor points. 

  ( i think it would bring PvP back to ice-cold, to much people just sit about doing nothing after they obtain full PvP and i think it would be a good idea ) 


- make pythious's drops more all around class stats * Melee & Spell caster * 

  ( there is more melee items and not enough spell casters items ) 


- increase the stats agility, intel, and add spell power & attack power to hoarders armour

  ( i think atm its more based on paladin or warrior, i think it should be increased to more of a all class friendly set ) 


- Increase the amount of armour & stats on the event reward gear * hardest gear in the game to obtain*  

  ( i think the gear should have better PvP based stats on it, as it is the hardest and rarest set to obtain in game)


- More Gm & Player hosted events that randomised * not the same typical 1v1 or 2v2 *

  ( more people enjoy PvE just as much as PvP, i think the lack of people that turn up to events these days is unreal, i think they should add it more starter friendly and introduce more PvE & PvE Based events like gm boss events, king of the hill event, gm war event, more  fun events that starter players can join in on to and not feel out geared ) 


- Make all classes and there spells more stable as a lot of classes are more powerful then others

  ( paladins judgment is over powered, can hit over 400k in none vip what is over half health to another well geared none vip, shamans are also really over powered, i think they should spend more time in correcting and making different classes more stable).


- 2v2, 3v3 arena teams with some type of reward system. 

 ( 2v2 and 3v3 arena teams is always on the suggestion by a lot of players that have played or came from retail in the past, i think that it  would be amazing if this feature was added into ice-cold with some type of reward system for conquest points, when u enter the arena  u will only be allowed to use none vip gear to make it more fare and so high vip's do not farm off lower levels ). 


i think all these suggestions would go down with the rest of the community and make a big difference to the ice-cold wow servers and its community itself, a lot of players are getting bored of doing the same stuff day in day out and adding more stuff will give people more choices in what they want to do around the PvP or PvE Based system. 


thanks for reading, i hope people leave there suggestions & feedback 

i also hope this post gets taken into consideration.



sorry for the bas spelling, was trying to rush this down all at once, and didn't read it over properly, thanks for the support, lets hope more suggestions & peoples opinions come in and lets see some changes 

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- more PvE item drops.

 ( the lack of items for each stat based class, Spell casters, Melee is unreal and more items need to be added to give players a more all around choice  ) 


- PvP Tier sets, or a quests to improve the PvP pieces if u have an X amount of Honor points. 

  ( i think it would bring PvP back to ice-cold, to much people just sit about doing nothing after they obtain full PvP and i think it would be a good idea ) 


- Increase the amount of armour & stats on the event reward gear * hardest gear in the game to obtain*  

  ( i think the gear should have better PvP based stats on it, as it is the hardest and rarest set to obtain in game)


- 2v2, 3v3 arena teams with some type of reward system. 

 ( 2v2 and 3v3 arena teams is always on the suggestion by a lot of players that have played or came from retail in the past, i think that it  would be amazing if this feature was added into ice-cold with some type of reward system for conquest points, when u enter the arena  u will only be allowed to use none vip gear to make it more fare and so high vip's do not farm off lower levels ). 


Now first off, I agree with the lack of items part.


Some of the items are missing. (For example a 200 vote totem or a 200 vote thrown). 



The PVP gear upgrades would be a bad idea because it will surpass the vote point items.



The event gear base stats shouldn't be highered. It was even lower before, but I got it fixed by begging Molten alot. It's good as it is now. The Armor though, is extremely low compared to other items. Armor is an important stat in the server, it prevents you to be hit alot in pve and in pvp. I talked to Molten about this and he said the admins had to do some stuffs in the core to actually fix it. But, I talked to Ryan about it and he told me to resuggest, which in this case you did. The event armor is at the moment useless for everyone who has it because of the armor problem.



I would love for 2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 arenas to be fixed. I even think Ryan is looking into it and made the circle of blood arena not being accesable by vip's as a pre-reward.



PS: For the people who are like: I AGREE MOST OF IT ERMAHGERD. Be more specific, I even have a feeling you haven't read most of the things.

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- make a dungeon that vip 7's and other high vips can group up to do that is not solo-able

  ( vip 7s or players with soatt's can solo mostly  everything and get bored that things are to easy ) 


- PvP Tier sets, or a quests to improve the PvP pieces if u have an X amount of Honor points. 

  ( i think it would bring PvP back to ice-cold, to much people just sit about doing nothing after they obtain full PvP and i think it would be a good idea ) 


- Increase the amount of armour & stats on the event reward gear * hardest gear in the game to obtain*  

  ( i think the gear should have better PvP based stats on it, as it is the hardest and rarest set to obtain in game) 


- Make all classes and there spells more stable as a lot of classes are more powerful then others

  ( paladins judgment is over powered, can hit over 400k in none vip what is over half health to another well geared none vip, shamans are also really over powered, i think they should spend more time in correcting and making different classes more stable).


Sorry to say but here is why these wont happen. 


Idea #1 --> It is nearly impossible for them to make a dungeon that makes it difficult for VIP7s with 2 soatts because if it is hard for them, it will be impossible for VIPs with anything lower. So unless you had a person with VIP7 and 2 soatt or 2 Soalt you would never be able to do it. Plus the max haste allows you to heal quickly so it would be quite difficult to make NPCs do enough dmg that a class that can heal would need a healer instead of just self healing.


Idea #2 --> You cant have gear with much higher stats simply because if they make gear with higher stats a non vip will have the same stats as a VIP3+ . They arent going to make non vip gear stats and higher cause it will get ridiculous and almost would have no point in buying VIP (unless you buy VIP7 or VIP6)


Idea #3 --> Same reason as Idea #2.


Idea #4 --> PALLIES DONT NEED TO BE NERFED AGAIN. THEY HAVE BEEN NERFED MULTIPLE TIMES (example consecration taken away (Good AoE to get rogues out of stealth, Seal of Truth (it was OP so it had to go), Retribution Aura (taken away because people were abusing anti camp to get people banned), Judgement was i believe the damage was halved already so reducing it more would just be unfair). Plus I know you are a rogue and a non vip rogue can kill a pally easy if they are skilled enough. Dont know how? its simple to figure out... Also about the 400K judgement thing. Its mainly because of the armor 


Side note: With max haste it is incredibly hard to make classes fair. 

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Elplosive title...

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

No gm or admin comment...

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

... (a few hours later)

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

gm commenting 'great idea', 'its not possible', 'it will take time'...

(admin commenting 'good idea, we will look into it', 'we're doing the best we can', 'we'll see')...


...and yet another pointless topic under 'suggestions'...


Works every time

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Elplosive title...

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

No gm or admin comment...

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

... (a few hours later)

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

gm commenting 'great idea', 'its not possible', 'it will take time'...

(admin commenting 'good idea, we will look into it', 'we're doing the best we can', 'we'll see')...


...and yet another pointless topic under 'suggestions'...


Works every time

Just because a GM or Admin doesn't comment doesn't mean they don't discuss the ideas. Ever heard of talking over skype about ideas? Clearly not so shut up. Plus staff do have things going on outside of IceCold you know University? Work? School? 

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Ryan has been viewing the topic a couple of times during the day, i think if more people support this then something will have to be done, they can't just ignore it all the time.


Idea #4 --> PALLIES DONT NEED TO BE NERFED AGAIN. THEY HAVE BEEN NERFED MULTIPLE TIMES (example consecration taken away (Good AoE to get rogues out of stealth, Seal of Truth (it was OP so it had to go), Retribution Aura (taken away because people were abusing anti camp to get people banned), Judgement was i believe the damage was halved already so reducing it more would just be unfair). Plus I know you are a rogue and a non vip rogue can kill a pally easy if they are skilled enough. Dont know how? its simple to figure out... Also about the 400K judgement thing. Its mainly because of the armor 

paladins, judgment needs nerfed, it is to op and a lot of people have said this, rogues got a big nerf taking away hemo what is one of the rogues most used spells, i think they need to make all classes consistent, and stable.
and they was suggestions for people to comment and add there input to see what others think, no need to bite my head off
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Plus I know you are a rogue and a non vip rogue can kill a pally easy if they are skilled enough. Dont know how? its simple to figure out... Also about the 400K judgement thing. Its mainly because of the armour....i know how to kill a paladin and i can.....but its not just rogues that struggle its other classes to...paladins & shamans are the most played classes because people know op they are. 

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Elplosive title...

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

No gm or admin comment...

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

... (a few hours later)

Scroll Scroll Scroll...

gm commenting 'great idea', 'its not possible', 'it will take time'...

(admin commenting 'good idea, we will look into it', 'we're doing the best we can', 'we'll see')...


...and yet another pointless topic under 'suggestions'...


Works every time

Every damn time.


Don't expect the administrators to take action for another 3 years.

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Nerf for paladins? Are you joking me? The nerf for judgement was bad enough if you want paladins to be nerfed again why don't  we nerf rogues too? They haven't had enough punishment. Paladins have gotten nerfed multiple times like Puppy said, I don't think they need to get nerfed again. Besides they can't make an instance too powerful like all those good statements were said if a vip 7 with x2 soatt can't solo it non vips won't be able to and neither will reg vip7s. Oh and the non vip gear thing is correct, from having personal experience I put on non vip gear and was able to destroy vip 1-vip 4, Yeah vip 4 any higher gear will make non vips be able to take on vip4s to vip 5 (6 if they are skilled enough) and eventually they will ask to get upgraded again and soon what do you know non vips can take on vip7 and all the people who bought vip will be really mad at how it was a waste and they could of just farmed non vip gear. I do think new weapons won't hurt for non vips but same stats not something that goes beyond fotb.

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