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The Thingy about ICE-COLD WOW


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I expect a response from an admin or a gm. A serious one please.


What the staff members can do to bring the server back to life:


If you ask me, all the gms and admins should focus on one long- term goal at a time, say a program that requires a lot of work, so they spread it amongst the staff. Its really not so complicated but maybe im not the right person to say that. So what i suggest is, Put up an anouncement about the next thing you're planning to do, (referring to the admins now) and give the gms a deadline. BE PRECISE ABOUT THE DATES YOU GIVE, or the members will stop trusting you. If the gms neglect to do their part, repremand them, kick them out of the server or something. Hell, with all these VIPs walking around (and because christmas sales are coming) you may even be able to hire some pros to help you out. You know, investing to the future.

Also, i cant believe i complain about this but why are there no adds in the server site? I mean, dont people normally pay you to advertise their products? Either that, or you can keep getting random people to post sh*t on your wall. 

Obviously i am not the right person to advice you on how to run your business (cause thats what it is, honestly) but I can damn well see that its going downhill.


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Sure the idea is great and all, but the server has been dead update-wise for a long time, and this is not drawing any new members. Raids are not scripted, quests are buggy, theres little to do if ure VIP or have finished the nonVIP quest line, there is zero group-cooperation between the players, rumors about various updates come and go for a bout 6 months now, the 4.3. patch we've been expecting since 2013 early spring is yet to come while it was scheduled to be released end-August, there is no in game economy running to keep players interested, professions, primary and secondary are literally non existent despite the presence of all the additional trainers in the malls, gold has no value, pvp is unorganized and is limited to the arena, very small number of events. So i think there's room for improvement, dont you?

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Sure the idea is great and all, but the server has been dead update-wise for a long time, and this is not drawing any new members. Raids are not scripted, quests are buggy, theres little to do if ure VIP or have finished the nonVIP quest line, there is zero group-cooperation between the players, rumors about various updates come and go for a bout 6 months now, the 4.3. patch we've been expecting since 2013 early spring is yet to come while it was scheduled to be released end-August, there is no in game economy running to keep players interested, professions, primary and secondary are literally non existent despite the presence of all the additional trainers in the malls, gold has no value, pvp is unorganized and is limited to the arena, very small number of events. So i think there's room for improvement, dont you?

There's only a handful of us that just make up content from scratch, as far as 4.3 goes that's not our fault. We have to wait for trinity to finish their end of it before we can use it. Stay patient :) 

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