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Casters' autocast??


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Guys i think it would be a great idea to have an autocast button for casters too. The global cooldowns will still be active, just we wont have to spam and get cramps whenever we are to attack someone :P. Something like hunters fr example, only for spells.


Is it Possible?

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Casting spells automatically I think is not possible and making it similar to hunters seems too OP to me. Hunters auto shot does a baseline damage the same as auto attack melee. One thing I think could be done is make casters wands that match the approximate damage as an auto attack. This way you could start auto attacking (shooting) someone with a caster, then start casting spells to do the real damage. Shooting a wand is covered under the max haste and auto attacks, it just doesn't do much damage right now.

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Man come on, we have had this discussion already :P All meeles have max haste. So why not create a wand that will catch up with the meeles dps? Is it impossible? Because if it is, then there is no way we could fix this :P

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Man come on, we have had this discussion already :P All meeles have max haste. So why not create a wand that will catch up with the meeles dps? Is it impossible? Because if it is, then there is no way we could fix this :P

Because if it is not**

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Also, just saying, wands weren't meant to match melee for dps. Basically they were for the tiny increase in dps when you were on CD (if you were bad) or OOM (if you were even worse), so you didn't have to walk around beating things with a staff. Mostly the wands were used for stats

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