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First 100 killstreak !!!

razzle frakes

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Actually, Bill had the highest. I think he had something like 5000 at one point. Hence why he had the Frostblood. If that even exists any more :S


/e: Also, 100 posts finally. God that took a while


Weird that the one day I check this site, Bill is mentioned.



Grats xD, and Bill Honor camped x_x I remember that nigga, best guy ever.


Even more strange is that Era called Bill, "Best guy ever." after their history...

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Actually, Bill had the highest. I think he had something like 5000 at one point. Hence why he had the Frostblood. If that even exists any more :S


/e: Also, 100 posts finally. God that took a while


Frostblood still exists.  I don't know of anyone that has it though.




Did we even have that killstreak thingy when Bill played? :o


No.  Killstreaks were added about 2 months ago.

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Weird that the one day I check this site, Bill is mentioned.


Even more strange is that Era called Bill, "Best guy ever." after their history...


Well, hello there Mitch. Long time no spank :) Yea, I've been mentioning Bill more lately cause he finally can text again

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