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Apologies and new deal


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Hello, sorry to those I ignored then I said "First to message me gets my Paladin".


For those who don't remember, the Paladin I speak of was VIP6 with near full hoarders, I believe 3 heroes pieces, full impec, and 3/8 PvP along with more.


Anyways, I will not be getting rid of this paladin for free, nor will I get rid of it after November 10th.


The new deal is, I will sell it to anyone who can pay. The price is $35 of Riot points on the League of Legends NA server. You can do this by creating a League of Legends account and signing into the NA server. Then going to the store and clicking gift. My summoner name is Arc Xaewvn XXI. After I receive the gift of $35 Riot Points (RP) I will put my said Paladin on the character shop for $5 so you can receive the Paladin. 


The total price you'll end up spending is $40, and again. This deal ENDS on the 10th of November. After this date I will no longer offer this. 


If you want more information message me.

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