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Got banned?


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Okay so, Beth went on a rage. She quit, so she spawned a million vendors, and added some gm gear to it, and the haste tabard, and the mark of illidari... then started summoning me and dropping me.

Then banned me from the server, and from vent. cool.

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Well, i found the reason... i went on an alt accnt and found out.

She was pissed, because the admins removed the .add command from the gms.

She raged extremely, and banned me because a dude named "Well" told her too.


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Me and tagwen (staris)

Are helping keep things calm and under as much control as we can.

He said he's gonna unban my main account soon.

Ironic and trew were'nt on, unfortunately.

So you know what has to be done?

You guys guys just gotta remove all the vip gear, mark of illidari, and the tabard from the database, and re-enstate the items under different entry ids in the database, and give the donors back their gear.

That's all that can be done.

After ofcourse you ban beth. for causing such a HUGE problem.

if you guys need anything, or any help.

I'm here for you.

This is gonna be a hard time. But I promise i'll do my very best to help in every single way possible.

Here's a screenshot of me trying to calm things down.


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You guys are sweet. <3 i'm keeping watch on one of the remaining vendors right now. i'll stay up all night if i have too. its 4am, i got work tommorow too.

this is gonna be a long night.

Ready to screenshot anyone who buys from this damn vendor.

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O.o you guys really want me to be a gm... Thanks! for the support XD And all the nice sayings.

Lawl, my account is unbanned now. but my character still is, im on a temporary character named "Tato"

Tagwen logged off a while ago..

If someone would like to unlock my char? :)

Because when Beth first spawned the vendor i bought a few things becuase my jaw dropped and i was seeing if they were actually Purchasable. and right after i got them, i got banned by beth. and my character is still locked. and i cant delete the items.

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My account is still banned hope it will get un banned soon :) greetings noobie

Noobie? lawl if you're refering to the char noobie, then your wrong

if you're calling me a noobie. you're also wrong.

i've been on this server for a long time.

But thanks.

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Guest darrylmartin

I am so sorry I was not online! I was at the movies with my bro and my Sister In-Law. I hope everything works out for the best of the server and If i was on i would have dealt with this issue by banning the IP of Beth until the Admins could discover what went on. I am sorry Tato, make a skype and add "Darryl Martin" or [email protected] is the email im signed up with. If you see this message add me now Ill get us all on Skype so I can be informed directly upon what happened. Please add me and contact me, Im logging on Skype at this time.

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I am so sorry I was not online! I was at the movies with my bro and my Sister In-Law. I hope everything works out for the best of the server and If i was on i would have dealt with this issue by banning the IP of Beth until the Admins could discover what went on. I am sorry Tato, make a skype and add "Darryl Martin" or [email protected] is the email im signed up with. If you see this message add me now Ill get us all on Skype so I can be informed directly upon what happened. Please add me and contact me, Im logging on Skype at this time.

made it, David Rockwood or

[email protected]

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This is chaos....

But yeah guys... Tato i think needs gm.

He's breaking his back for the server.

I think tato should be a GM, but anyways why do you have the same IP adress as tato? :)

I didn't know this happend. I've only just got home from university. :(

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I think tato should be a GM, but anyways why do you have the same IP adress as tato? :)

I didn't know this happend. I've only just got home from university. :(

That's fishingtrip. he was at my house. lawl. he lives down the street.

I showed him this server and we make his account at my place a while ago.

If you don't believe me, ask him yourself.

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That's fishingtrip. he was at my house. lawl. he lives down the street.

I showed him this server and we make his account at my place a while ago.

If you don't believe me, ask him yourself.

Oh cool, I wasn't being mean I was just woundering. :)

The good thing is we don't have the ".additem" command anymore! :(

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Tato, your ban was in the system with reason "for beeing gay" :)

Lawl XD Well i guess they got me there.

However. my char Tatosoup is still locked.

Btw, this is now officially the most replied to forum post. :(

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