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Minig is the key proffesion to max all other proffesions... so why not make one ''ore instance'' where there will be limitless supplies of all ores?


Cmone guys itll help alot of players youll see :)


Why take away one of the most fun aspects of mining, and blacksmithing? I've never actually seen an, "ore instance" on a private server before, but on Icecold, it'd be easy just to explore Azeroth and find the ore.


Though I have to admit, it is a good idea.

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Does anyone of you frankly have the courage to do so and try and train blacksmithing and jewelcrafting? or both? Well, i tried, and frankly, i havent encountered anything more boring in my entire life and that is because, since there is no working auction hause, you are forced to go out and do what 1000 people did alltogether in real wow ( meaning they gathered simple materials which you wouldnt because it is simply toooooo boring ). So no, it wouldnt take the fun out of it. It would give meaning to all these empty slots in our gear. 

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A: What do you mean by "It would give meaning to all these empty slots in our gear". And B: Some people somehow actually like doing this. And plus. Mining is easy to level up compared. And last time I checked that's what this Thread is about. If they were to do some type of profession enhancement it should be for the crafting side of professions (Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing). Not for the gathering professions. The gathering ones are easy as it is. It just takes time. On the otherhand gathering professions are annoying to get the specific materials. So if this is to be done. Do it for the crafting professions. Not the gathering.

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Does anyone of you frankly have the courage to do so and try and train blacksmithing and jewelcrafting? or both? Well, i tried, and frankly, i havent encountered anything more boring in my entire life and that is because, since there is no working auction hause, you are forced to go out and do what 1000 people did alltogether in real wow ( meaning they gathered simple materials which you wouldnt because it is simply toooooo boring ). So no, it wouldnt take the fun out of it. It would give meaning to all these empty slots in our gear. 


Well, it's up to Ryan to decide, but I'd have to say no to this suggestion, as it's just one of the main aspects of World of Warcraft made way too easy.


Farming pieces to upgrade gear is boring, too, but I do it.

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I mean, have you checked the vip 7 slots? There are 32 mta slots. and since nobody can place a metagem twice in his gear, we are left with dozens of empty sockets. The only solution to this is jewelcrafting which is very very very tough to level. Mining is easy, but it is neccessary so that you may be able to ge these materials in order to craf tgems and level you jewelcrafting. So, with mining 500 and all the metals in our hands, our job is made significantly more easier when it comes to leveling jewelcrafting ( or other, similar proffesions ) because huys, frankly, i cant find a single silver vein in this server :P and i need it, because otherwise i will have to find shadowgems and other ectremely rare gems, that we do not have, since there is no working auction hause. The way i see it,t here is no point in having proffesion trainers since nobody chooses to train a proffesion like jewelcrafting. And by the way, please, if you do know of a jewelcrafter 500 in the game, please give me his name, for he will save me from a lot of trouble.

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I'de have to agree with Zurlock on this one. This suggestion just isn't that good. Professions don't do anything for the players on icecold.

RE yes but, i see other players in PvP that have stun resistance due to there gemry and i cant beat them because i am not resistant to their stuns. So, gems do play an important role when it comes to playing experience. I agree with you, on the long run and in terms of PvE it doesnt matter - then why dont they just remove the slots in the items or add more gems to the vendors ( ''just for the fun of seeing your gem slots full'' )?

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Well. Gems are important yes. But jewelcrafting is NOT needed. Most people know where to get good gems WITHOUT it. For instance. Those stun gems. You get those in wintergrasp if you're alliance for 24 honor a peice. Also there's the gem vender in the icecold mall. VIP7 gets 30 meta gem slots. You'll usually see them with 10 stun gems. And 20 crit gems. We DON'T need jewelcrafting to get what we need.

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Well. Gems are important yes. But jewelcrafting is NOT needed. Most people know where to get good gems WITHOUT it. For instance. Those stun gems. You get those in wintergrasp if you're alliance for 24 honor a peice. Also there's the gem vender in the icecold mall. VIP7 gets 30 meta gem slots. You'll usually see them with 10 stun gems. And 20 crit gems. We DON'T need jewelcrafting to get what we need.


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Well. Gems are important yes. But jewelcrafting is NOT needed. Most people know where to get good gems WITHOUT it. For instance. Those stun gems. You get those in wintergrasp if you're alliance for 24 honor a peice. Also there's the gem vender in the icecold mall. VIP7 gets 30 meta gem slots. You'll usually see them with 10 stun gems. And 20 crit gems. We DON'T need jewelcrafting to get what we need.

OMG thank you man, i didnt know that !

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