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Server event's?


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Hello my name is Gracey and im sort of new on this server i played here for 3 days and got my vip 2 yesterday :D

So What do you guys think about me making some events on the server with some kick as Prices like this

the ppl that comes 1 on DW killing list next month will get this

First plaze: Vip 4

Second Place Vip 3

third place Vip 1

:D comment!! <3

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Well yes

Maby if i go to talk to one of the devs he can mabey make a pice of event gear or wep to win like this

1 plase: 2k Ice gold and Event Sword/mace/dagger/staff

2 plase 1k ice gold event hat ( just a look)

3 plase 500 ice gold event hat ( just a look)

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