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[GUIDE] How to Connect to Teamspeak3


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This basic tutorial is to show how someone can put in their information and log in to their selected server.

DOWNLOADS (Based on Operating System):

Windows: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latest

MAC: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_macosx_client_latest

Linux: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_linux_client_latest

1. Double-click your TeamSpeak 3 Icon on your Desktop to open up the Teamspeak 3 client.

2. Once the Teamspeak 3 Client is open on the top left of the Teamspeak 3 client click on "Connections" and then click "Connect"(Ctrl+S) it is the first option on the drop down box.


3. After you go to "Connections" and the "Connect" a small control panel asking for a Address(Server address/IP), Your Nickname (Can be anything you want, but better use your website Display Name.), Password (There is no password for our TS).


4. Then fill in all the information that was given bellow. For your Username put in what ever you want (But better use your website Display Name).

IP: icecold-wow.typefrag.com:8260

Password: There is no password!


5. You can hit the "Connect" button at the bottom of the panel now to connect to your server, or if you are already connected to a server and don't want to disconnect from it, click the "In New Tab" button to open another Teamspeak 3 server connection in a new tab so you can access both servers at once.

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