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Im a hunter [skogwig] and i think that there should been a upgradeable bow in the game.


for example the 200votepoints weapon can no bow top neither the ingame worldboss drop weapons.


What i am trying to say is that it would been great for Hunters to have a upgradeable bow which is good 


//sorry if there is some faecesty grammar im Swedish :P

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"for example the 200votepoints weapon can no bow top neither the ingame worldboss drop weapons."


I don't understand that statement. But I feel as if they should make a weapon to go along for each armor set. (Demonic, Blessed, Ravaged, Ect.) Also, if you do the weapon quests bows are in there, and if you want a good bow save up what I think 45 Vote points for the vote point bow. I believe it's the best bow out ATM. Or you could farm Forge of Souls for a bow!

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