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4.3.2 Warning?!?



Uhm i dont know how devs on pile of crap wow doing it but when blizzard release some patch they suport it..we can play with theyr launcher but they dont adding any content of that patch now i have 4.3.2 patch on my wow and i can play there and there is no firelands and other staff from 4.1.0 + patches.can you do same thing i cant dl again 15 gb my dl speed is 160kb/s -.-


It's simple, DO NOT TOUCH 4.3.2!

Blizzard have changed the DBC layouts in the 4.3.2 patch, making them incompatible with all exe versions except 4.3.2. This breaks compatibility with all Cataclysm private servers and connection will be impossible if you upgrade.

For those that upgraded already and want to get on, you need to download the 4.0.6 game files. Here is a link to one:


Just download that into a folder, download the IceCold Launcher and put it in the folder, run it as admin and login :)

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working i am on that server atm was today 4 hours online loged in and out lots of time didnt had any problems

awww that wow is on 4.3 patch xDDD i have 2 wow folders 1 with 4.3 and other 4.3.2 will try now to log on icecold with 4.3 wow folder

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working i am on that server atm was today 4 hours online loged in and out lots of time didnt had any problems

awww that wow is on 4.3 patch xDDD i have 2 wow folders 1 with 4.3 and other 4.3.2 will try now to log on icecold with 4.3 wow folder

Yes, that would be a sensible thing to do :P

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gogo buahahah now i cant log on both server EPIC!!!


i think its time to redownload wow with speed of 160 kb/s :whistling: :wallbash: :woot:

can some1 link me torrent wow DL for 3.3.5 version and that i will be able to upgrade it to 4.1.0

i know there is lots of 3.3.5 wow file that cant be upgraded

want to get 2 wow folders for 3.3.5 and 4.1.0

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